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elements(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.Array
Return an Enumeration of my components.
elements(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.BooleanArray
Return an Enumeration of my components.
elements(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.BooleanBuffer
Return an Enumeration of my components.
elements(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ByteArray
Return an Enumeration of my components.
elements(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ByteBuffer
Return an Enumeration of my components.
elements(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.CharArray
Return an Enumeration of my components.
elements(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.CharBuffer
Return an Enumeration of my components.
elements(). Method in interface com.objectspace.jgl.Container
Return an Enumeration of the components in this container
elements(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.Deque
Return an Enumeration of my components
elements(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.DList
Return an Enumeration of my components.
elements(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.DoubleArray
Return an Enumeration of my components.
elements(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.DoubleBuffer
Return an Enumeration of my components.
elements(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.FloatArray
Return an Enumeration of my components.
elements(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.FloatBuffer
Return an Enumeration of my components.
elements(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.HashMap
Return an Enumeration to my values.
elements(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.HashSet
Return an Enumeration of my objects.
elements(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.IntArray
Return an Enumeration of my components.
elements(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.IntBuffer
Return an Enumeration of my components.
elements(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.LongArray
Return an Enumeration of my components.
elements(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.LongBuffer
Return an Enumeration of my components.
elements(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.Map
Return an Enumeration of the components in this container
elements(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ObjectArray
Return an Enumeration of my elements.
elements(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.OrderedMap
Return an Enumeration of my values
elements(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.OrderedSet
Return an Enumeration of my components.
elements(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.PriorityQueue
Return an Enumeration of my elements.
elements(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.Queue
Return an Enumeration of my components.
elements(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ShortArray
Return an Enumeration of my components.
elements(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ShortBuffer
Return an Enumeration of my components.
elements(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.SList
Return an Enumeration to my components.
elements(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.Stack
Return an Enumeration of my components.
elements(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.VectorArray
Return an Enumeration of my elements.
end. Variable in class com.objectspace.jgl.Range
The end iterator
end(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.Array
Return an iterator positioned immediately after my last item.
end(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.BooleanArray
Return an iterator positioned immediately after my last item.
end(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.BooleanBuffer
Return an iterator positioned immediately after my last item.
end(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ByteArray
Return an iterator positioned immediately after my last item.
end(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ByteBuffer
Return an iterator positioned immediately after my last item.
end(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.CharArray
Return an iterator positioned immediately after my last item.
end(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.CharBuffer
Return an iterator positioned immediately after my last item.
end(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.Deque
Return an iterator positioned immediately after my last item.
end(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.DList
Return an iterator positioned immediately after my last item.
end(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.DoubleArray
Return an iterator positioned immediately after my last item.
end(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.DoubleBuffer
Return an iterator positioned immediately after my last item.
end(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.FloatArray
Return an iterator positioned immediately after my last item.
end(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.FloatBuffer
Return an iterator positioned immediately after my last item.
end(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.HashMap
Return an iterator positioned immediately after my last pair.
end(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.HashSet
Return an iterator positioned immediately after my last item.
end(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.IntArray
Return an iterator positioned immediately after my last item.
end(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.IntBuffer
Return an iterator positioned immediately after my last item.
end(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.LongArray
Return an iterator positioned immediately after my last item.
end(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.LongBuffer
Return an iterator positioned immediately after my last item.
end(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ObjectArray
Return an iterator positioned immediately after my last item.
end(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.OrderedMap
Return an iterator positioned immediately after my last pair.
end(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.OrderedSet
Return an iterator positioned immediately after my last item.
end(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ShortArray
Return an iterator positioned immediately after my last item.
end(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ShortBuffer
Return an iterator positioned immediately after my last item.
end(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.SList
Return an iterator positioned immediately after my last item.
end(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.VectorArray
Return an iterator positioned immediately after my last item.
end(boolean[]). Static method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.BooleanIterator
Return an iterator positioned immediately after the last element of a particular array.
end(byte[]). Static method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ByteIterator
Return an iterator positioned immediately after the last element of a particular array.
end(char[]). Static method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.CharIterator
Return an iterator positioned immediately after the last element of a particular array.
end(double[]). Static method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.DoubleIterator
Return an iterator positioned immediately after the last element of a particular array.
end(float[]). Static method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.FloatIterator
Return an iterator positioned immediately after the last element of a particular array.
end(int[]). Static method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.IntIterator
Return an iterator positioned immediately after the last element of a particular array.
end(long[]). Static method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.LongIterator
Return an iterator positioned immediately after the last element of a particular array.
end(Object[]). Static method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ObjectIterator
Return an iterator positioned immediately after the last element of a particular array.
end(short[]). Static method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ShortIterator
Return an iterator positioned immediately after the last element of a particular array.
end(Vector). Static method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.VectorIterator
Return an iterator positioned immediately after the last element of a particular array.
ensureCapacity(int). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.Array
Pre-allocate enough space to hold a specified number of elements.
ensureCapacity(int). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.BooleanBuffer
Pre-allocate enough space to hold a specified number of elements.
ensureCapacity(int). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ByteBuffer
Pre-allocate enough space to hold a specified number of elements.
ensureCapacity(int). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.CharBuffer
Pre-allocate enough space to hold a specified number of elements.
ensureCapacity(int). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.DoubleBuffer
Pre-allocate enough space to hold a specified number of elements.
ensureCapacity(int). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.FloatBuffer
Pre-allocate enough space to hold a specified number of elements.
ensureCapacity(int). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.IntBuffer
Pre-allocate enough space to hold a specified number of elements.
ensureCapacity(int). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.LongBuffer
Pre-allocate enough space to hold a specified number of elements.
ensureCapacity(int). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ShortBuffer
Pre-allocate enough space to hold a specified number of elements.
equal(Container, Container). Static method in class com.objectspace.jgl.algorithms.Comparing
Scan two containers and return true if the containers are the same size and every element in one container matches its counterpart using equals().
equal(InputIterator, InputIterator, InputIterator). Static method in class com.objectspace.jgl.algorithms.Comparing
Scan two sequences of the same size and return true if every element in one sequence matches its counterpart using equals().
EqualCollationKey(). Constructor for class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.EqualCollationKey
Construct a EqualCollationKey function object that uses the collator object for the current default locale to compare operands that are not instances of CollationKey.
EqualCollationKey(Collator). Constructor for class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.EqualCollationKey
Construct a EqualCollationKey function object that uses the given collator object to compare operands that are not instances of CollationKey.
EqualCollator(). Constructor for class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.EqualCollator
Construct a EqualCollator function object that uses the collator object for the current default locale to compare objects.
EqualCollator(Collator). Constructor for class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.EqualCollator
Construct a EqualCollator function object that uses the given collator object to compare objects.
EqualNumber(). Constructor for class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.EqualNumber
Construct myself to use intValue() for comparisons.
EqualNumber(Class). Constructor for class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.EqualNumber
Construct myself to compare objects of the given class.
equalRange(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.HashMap
Return a range whose first element is an iterator positioned at the first occurence of a specific key and whose second element is an iterator positioned immediately after the last occurence of that key.
equalRange(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.HashSet
Return a range whose first element is an iterator positioned at the first occurence of a specific object and whose second element is an iterator positioned immediately after the last occurence of that object.
equalRange(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.OrderedMap
Return a pair of iterators whose first element is equal to lowerBound() and whose second element is equal to upperBound().
equalRange(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.OrderedSet
Return a pair of iterators whose first element is equal to lowerBound() and whose second element is equal to upperBound().
equals(Array). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.Array
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as another Array.
equals(boolean[]). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.BooleanArray
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as a native array of booleans.
equals(boolean[]). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.BooleanBuffer
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as a native array of booleans.
equals(BooleanArray). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.BooleanArray
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as another BooleanArray.
equals(BooleanArray). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.BooleanBuffer
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as a BooleanArray.
equals(BooleanBuffer). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.BooleanArray
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as another BooleanBuffer.
equals(BooleanBuffer). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.BooleanBuffer
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as another BooleanBuffer.
equals(BooleanIterator). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.BooleanIterator
Return true if iterator is positioned at the same element as me.
equals(byte[]). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ByteArray
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as a native array of bytes.
equals(byte[]). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ByteBuffer
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as a native array of bytes.
equals(ByteArray). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ByteArray
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as another ByteArray.
equals(ByteArray). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ByteBuffer
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as a ByteArray.
equals(ByteBuffer). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ByteArray
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as another ByteBuffer.
equals(ByteBuffer). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ByteBuffer
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as another ByteBuffer.
equals(ByteIterator). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ByteIterator
Return true if iterator is positioned at the same element as me.
equals(char[]). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.CharArray
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as a native array of chars.
equals(char[]). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.CharBuffer
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as a native array of chars.
equals(CharArray). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.CharArray
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as another CharArray.
equals(CharArray). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.CharBuffer
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as a CharArray.
equals(CharBuffer). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.CharArray
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as another CharBuffer.
equals(CharBuffer). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.CharBuffer
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as another CharBuffer.
equals(CharIterator). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.CharIterator
Return true if iterator is positioned at the same element as me.
equals(Deque). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.Deque
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as another Deque.
equals(DList). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.DList
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as another DList.
equals(double[]). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.DoubleArray
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as a native array of doubles.
equals(double[]). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.DoubleBuffer
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as a native array of doubles.
equals(DoubleArray). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.DoubleArray
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as another DoubleArray.
equals(DoubleArray). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.DoubleBuffer
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as a DoubleArray.
equals(DoubleBuffer). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.DoubleArray
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as another DoubleBuffer.
equals(DoubleBuffer). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.DoubleBuffer
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as another DoubleBuffer.
equals(DoubleIterator). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.DoubleIterator
Return true if iterator is positioned at the same element as me.
equals(float[]). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.FloatArray
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as a native array of floats.
equals(float[]). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.FloatBuffer
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as a native array of floats.
equals(FloatArray). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.FloatArray
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as another FloatArray.
equals(FloatArray). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.FloatBuffer
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as a FloatArray.
equals(FloatBuffer). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.FloatArray
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as another FloatBuffer.
equals(FloatBuffer). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.FloatBuffer
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as another FloatBuffer.
equals(FloatIterator). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.FloatIterator
Return true if iterator is positioned at the same element as me.
equals(HashMap). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.HashMap
Return true if I contain exactly the same key/value pairs as another HashMap.
equals(HashSet). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.HashSet
Return true if I contain exactly the same items as another HashSet.
equals(int[]). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.IntArray
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as a native array of ints.
equals(int[]). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.IntBuffer
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as a native array of ints.
equals(IntArray). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.IntArray
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as another IntArray.
equals(IntArray). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.IntBuffer
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as a IntArray.
equals(IntBuffer). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.IntArray
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as another IntBuffer.
equals(IntBuffer). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.IntBuffer
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as another IntBuffer.
equals(IntIterator). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.IntIterator
Return true if iterator is positioned at the same element as me.
equals(long[]). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.LongArray
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as a native array of longs.
equals(long[]). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.LongBuffer
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as a native array of longs.
equals(LongArray). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.LongArray
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as another LongArray.
equals(LongArray). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.LongBuffer
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as a LongArray.
equals(LongBuffer). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.LongArray
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as another LongBuffer.
equals(LongBuffer). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.LongBuffer
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as another LongBuffer.
equals(LongIterator). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.LongIterator
Return true if iterator is positioned at the same element as me.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.Array
Return true if I'm equal to another object.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ArrayAdapter
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.ArrayIterator
Return true if a specified object is the same kind of iterator as me and is positioned at the same element.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.BooleanArray
Return true if I'm equal to a specified object.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.BooleanBuffer
Return true if I'm equal to another object.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.BooleanIterator
Return true if a specified object is the same kind of iterator as me and is positioned at the same element.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ByteArray
Return true if I'm equal to a specified object.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ByteBuffer
Return true if I'm equal to another object.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ByteIterator
Return true if a specified object is the same kind of iterator as me and is positioned at the same element.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.CharArray
Return true if I'm equal to a specified object.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.CharBuffer
Return true if I'm equal to another object.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.CharIterator
Return true if a specified object is the same kind of iterator as me and is positioned at the same element.
equals(Object). Method in interface com.objectspace.jgl.Container
Return true if I'm equal to a specified object.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.Deque
Return true if I'm equal to another object.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.DequeIterator
Return true if a specified object is the same kind of iterator as me and is positioned at the same element.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.DList
Return true if I'm equal to another object.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.DListIterator
Return true if a specified object is the same kind of iterator as me and is positioned at the same element.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.DoubleArray
Return true if I'm equal to a specified object.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.DoubleBuffer
Return true if I'm equal to another object.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.DoubleIterator
Return true if a specified object is the same kind of iterator as me and is positioned at the same element.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.FloatArray
Return true if I'm equal to a specified object.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.FloatBuffer
Return true if I'm equal to another object.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.FloatIterator
Return true if a specified object is the same kind of iterator as me and is positioned at the same element.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.HashMap
Return true if I'm equal to another object.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.HashMapIterator
Return true if a specified object is the same kind of iterator as me and is positioned at the same element.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.HashSet
Return true if I'm equal to another object.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.HashSetIterator
Return true if a specified object is the same kind of iterator as me and is positioned at the same element.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.IntArray
Return true if I'm equal to a specified object.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.IntBuffer
Return true if I'm equal to another object.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.IntIterator
Return true if a specified object is the same kind of iterator as me and is positioned at the same element.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.LongArray
Return true if I'm equal to a specified object.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.LongBuffer
Return true if I'm equal to another object.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.LongIterator
Return true if a specified object is the same kind of iterator as me and is positioned at the same element.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.Map
Return true if I'm equal to a specified object.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ObjectArray
Return true if I'm equal to a specified object.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ObjectIterator
Return true if a specified object is the same kind of iterator as me and is positioned at the same element.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.OrderedMap
Return true if I'm equal to another object.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.OrderedMapIterator
Return true if a specified object is the same kind of iterator as me and is positioned at the same element.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.OrderedSet
Return true if I'm equal to another object.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.OrderedSetIterator
Return true if a specified object is the same kind of iterator as me and is positioned at the same element.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.Pair
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.PriorityQueue
Return true if object is a PriorityQueue whose underlying sequence is equal to mine.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.Queue
Return true if object is a Queue whose underlying sequence is equal to mine.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.Range
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.util.ReverseIterator
Return true if a specified object is the same kind of iterator as me and is positioned at the same element.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ShortArray
Return true if I'm equal to a specified object.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ShortBuffer
Return true if I'm equal to another object.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ShortIterator
Return true if a specified object is the same kind of iterator as me and is positioned at the same element.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.SList
Return true if I'm equal to another object.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.SListIterator
Return true if a specified object is the same kind of iterator as me and is positioned at the same element.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.Stack
Return true if object is a Stack whose underlying sequence is equal to mine.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.VectorArray
Return true if I'm equal to a specified object.
equals(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.VectorIterator
Return true if a specified object is the same kind of iterator as me and is positioned at the same element.
equals(Object[]). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ObjectArray
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as a native array of Objects.
equals(ObjectIterator). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ObjectIterator
Return true if iterator is positioned at the same element as me.
equals(OrderedMap). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.OrderedMap
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as another OrderedMap.
equals(OrderedSet). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.OrderedSet
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as another OrderedSet.
equals(Pair). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.Pair
equals(PriorityQueue). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.PriorityQueue
Return true if a specified PriorityQueue's sequence is equal to mine.
equals(Queue). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.Queue
Return true if a Queue's sequence is equal to mine.
equals(Range). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.Range
equals(ReverseIterator). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.util.ReverseIterator
Return true if iterator is positioned at the same element as me.
equals(short[]). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ShortArray
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as a native array of shorts.
equals(short[]). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ShortBuffer
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as a native array of shorts.
equals(ShortArray). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ShortArray
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as another ShortArray.
equals(ShortArray). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ShortBuffer
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as a ShortArray.
equals(ShortBuffer). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ShortArray
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as another ShortBuffer.
equals(ShortBuffer). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ShortBuffer
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as another ShortBuffer.
equals(ShortIterator). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ShortIterator
Return true if iterator is positioned at the same element as me.
equals(SList). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.SList
Return true if I contain the same items in the same order as another SList.
equals(Stack). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.Stack
Return true if a specified Stack's sequence is equal to mine.
equals(VectorIterator). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.VectorIterator
Return true if iterator is positioned at the same element as me.
EqualString(). Constructor for class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.EqualString
EqualTo(). Constructor for class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.EqualTo
every(Container, UnaryPredicate). Static method in class com.objectspace.jgl.algorithms.Finding
Return true if every object in the container satisfies a particular predicate.
every(InputIterator, InputIterator, UnaryPredicate). Static method in class com.objectspace.jgl.algorithms.Finding
Return true if every object in the specified range satisfies a particular predicate.
execute(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.functions.BindFirst
Perform my binary function on the operand using the predefined value as the 1st parameter and the operand as the 2nd parameter.
execute(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.BindFirstPredicate
Perform my binary predicate on the operand using the predefined value as the 1st parameter and the operand as the 2nd parameter.
execute(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.functions.BindSecond
Perform my binary function on the operand using the operand as the 1st parameter and the predefined value as the 2nd parameter.
execute(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.BindSecondPredicate
Perform my binary predicate on the operand using the operand as the 1st parameter and the predefined value as the 2nd parameter.
execute(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.functions.ConstantFunction
Return my value.
execute(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.ConstantPredicate
Return my value.
execute(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.functions.Hash
Return the hash code of my operand as an Integer, or 0 if the operand is null.
execute(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.functions.IdentityFunction
Return the operand.
execute(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.InstanceOf
Test operand for belonging to a specific class.
execute(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.functions.LengthString
Return the length of my operand's string as an Integer.
execute(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.LogicalNot
Perform a logical NOT.
execute(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.functions.NegateNumber
Return the negation of my operand.
execute(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.NegativeNumber
Return true if the operand is less than zero.
execute(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.PositiveNumber
Return true if the operand is greater than zero.
execute(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.functions.Print
Print my operand to my PrintStream.
execute(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.functions.SelectFirst
Return the first instance variable of my operand.
execute(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.functions.SelectSecond
Return the second instance variable of my operand.
execute(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.functions.ToString
Return my argument as a String, or "null" if the operand is null.
execute(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.UnaryAnd
Perform my unary predicates on the operand and return true if all predicates return true.
execute(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.functions.UnaryCompose
Perform my second unary function on the operand and then return the result of applying my first unary function object to this result.
execute(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.UnaryComposePredicate
Perform my unary function on the operand and then return the result of applying my predicate function object to this result.
execute(Object). Method in interface com.objectspace.jgl.UnaryFunction
Return the result of executing with a single Object.
execute(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.UnaryNot
Perform my unary predicate on the operand and return true if the predicate returns false.
execute(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.UnaryOr
Perform my unary predicates on the operand and return true if any predicate returns true.
execute(Object). Method in interface com.objectspace.jgl.UnaryPredicate
Return the result of executing with a single Object.
execute(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.functions.UnaryPredicateFunction
Perform my unary predicate on the operand and return the boolean result as an object.
execute(Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.UnaryTern
Perform my conditional predicate on the operand, and use the return value of that to determine which predicate to evaluate.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.BinaryAnd
Perform my unary predicates on the operand and return true if all predicates return true.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.functions.BinaryCompose
Perform my unary functions on each operand and then return the result of applying my binary function object to these results.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.BinaryComposePredicate
Perform my unary functions on each operand and then return the result of applying my binary predicate object to these results.
execute(Object, Object). Method in interface com.objectspace.jgl.BinaryFunction
Return the result of executing with two Object arguments.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.BinaryNot
Perform my binary predicate on the operands and return true if the predicate returns false.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.BinaryOr
Perform my unary predicates on the operand and return true if any predicate returns true.
execute(Object, Object). Method in interface com.objectspace.jgl.BinaryPredicate
Return the result of executing with two Object arguments.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.functions.BinaryPredicateFunction
Perform my binary predicate on the operand and return the boolean result as an object.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.BinaryTern
Perform my conditional predicate on the operand, and use the return value of that to determine which predicate to evaluate.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.functions.ConstantFunction
Return my value.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.ConstantPredicate
Return my value.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.functions.DividesNumber
Return the result of dividing the first operand by the second operand.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.EqualCollationKey
Return true if the first operand is equal to the second operand.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.EqualCollator
Return true if the first operand is equal to the second operand.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.EqualNumber
Return true if the first operand is the same as the second operand.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.EqualString
Return true if the first operand is equal to the second operand.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.EqualTo
Compare two objects for equality.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.GreaterCollationKey
Return true if the first operand is greater than the second operand.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.GreaterCollator
Return true if the first operand is greater than the second operand.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.GreaterEqualCollationKey
Return true if the first operand is greater than or equal to the second operand.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.GreaterEqualCollator
Return true if the first operand is greater than or equal to the second operand.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.GreaterEqualNumber
Return true if the first operand is greater than or equal to the second operand.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.GreaterEqualString
Return true if the first operand is greater than or equal to the second operand.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.GreaterNumber
Return true if the first operand is greater than the second operand.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.GreaterString
Return true if the first operand is greater than the second operand.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.HashComparator
Compare the operands based on their hash code.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.IdenticalTo
Compare two objects for identity.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.LessCollationKey
Return true if the first operand is less than the second operand.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.LessCollator
Return true if the first operand is less than the second operand.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.LessEqualCollationKey
Return true if the first operand is less than or equal to the second operand.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.LessEqualCollator
Return true if the first operand is less than or equal to the second operand.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.LessEqualNumber
Return true if the first operand is less than or equal to the second operand.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.LessEqualString
Return true if the first operand is less than or equal to the second operand.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.LessNumber
Return true if the first operand is less than the second operand.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.LessString
Return true if the first operand is less than the second operand.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.LogicalAnd
Perform a logical AND.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.LogicalOr
Perform a logical OR.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.functions.MinusNumber
Return the result of subtracting the second operand from the first operand.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.functions.ModulusNumber
Return the result of the first operand modulus the second operand.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.NotEqualCollationKey
Return true if the first operand is not equal to the second operand.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.NotEqualCollator
Return true if the first operand is not equal to the second operand.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.NotEqualNumber
Return false if the first operand is equal to the second operand.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.NotEqualString
Return true if the first operand is not equal to the second operand.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.NotEqualTo
Compare two objects for inequality.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.NotIdenticalTo
Compare two objects for non-identity.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.functions.PlusNumber
Return the result of adding the first operand to the second operand.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.functions.PlusString
Return the concatenation of the two operands.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.functions.SwappedBinaryFunction
Swap the order of operands and return the value of my contained function.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.predicates.SwappedBinaryPredicate
Swap the order of operands and return the value of my contained predicate.
execute(Object, Object). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.functions.TimesNumber
Return the result of multiplying the first operand by the second operand.
expansionAllowed(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.HashMap
Return true if adding an object to myself could result in an expansion of the number of hash buckets I currently use.
expansionAllowed(). Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.HashSet
Return true if adding an object to myself could result in an expansion of the number of hash buckets I currently use.

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