popHeap(BidirectionalIterator, BidirectionalIterator).
Static method in class com.objectspace.jgl.algorithms.Heap
Assuming that a sequence is organized as a heap, swap its first and last elements
and then reorganize every element except for the last element to be a heap.
popHeap(BidirectionalIterator, BidirectionalIterator, BinaryPredicate).
Static method in class com.objectspace.jgl.algorithms.Heap
Assuming that a sequence is organized as a heap, swap its first and last elements
and then reorganize every element except for the last element to be a heap.
Set the object at my current position to a specified value.
Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.VectorIterator
Set the object at my current position to a specified value.
put(Object, Object).
Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.HashMap
If the key doesn't exist, associate the value with the key and return null,
otherwise replace the first value associated with the key and return the old value.
put(Object, Object).
Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.OrderedMap
If the key doesn't exist, associate the value with the key and return null,
otherwise replace the first value associated with the key and return the old value.
Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ShortIterator