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Interface com.objectspace.jgl.UnaryFunction

public interface UnaryFunction
extends Serializable
UnaryFunction is the interface that must be implemented by all unary function objects. Every UnaryFunction object must define a single method called execute() that takes a single object as its argument and returns an object. UnaryFunction objects are often built to operate on a specific kind of object and must therefore cast the input parameter in order to process it.

See Also:
UnaryPredicate, BinaryPredicate, BinaryFunction

Variable Index

 o serialVersionUID

Method Index

 o execute(Object)
Return the result of executing with a single Object.


 o serialVersionUID
 public static final long serialVersionUID


 o execute
 public abstract Object execute(Object object)
Return the result of executing with a single Object.

object - The object to process.
The result of processing the input Object.

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