Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.Queue
Add an object to my back.
Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ShortBuffer
Add an object after my last element.
Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.SList
Add an object after my last element.
Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.Stack
Push an object.
Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.VectorArray
Add an object to myself.
add(Object, Object).
Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.HashMap
If the key doesn't exist or duplicates are allowed, associate the value with the
key and return null, otherwise don't modify the map and return the current value
associated with the key.
add(Object, Object).
Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.OrderedMap
If the key doesn't exist or duplicates are allowed, associate the value with the
key and return null, otherwise don't modify the map and return the current value
associated with the key.
Method in class com.objectspace.jgl.adapters.ShortBuffer
Add a short after my last element.
adjacentDifference(Container, Container).
Static method in class com.objectspace.jgl.algorithms.Counting
Iterate through every element in a container and calculate the difference between
each element and its preceding element.
adjacentDifference(Container, Container, BinaryFunction).
Static method in class com.objectspace.jgl.algorithms.Counting
Iterate through every element in a container and calculate the difference between
each element and its preceding element.
adjacentDifference(Container, OutputIterator).
Static method in class com.objectspace.jgl.algorithms.Counting
Iterate through every element in a container and calculate the difference between
each element and its preceding element.
adjacentDifference(Container, OutputIterator, BinaryFunction).
Static method in class com.objectspace.jgl.algorithms.Counting
Iterate through every element in a container and calculate the difference between
each element and its preceding element.
adjacentDifference(InputIterator, InputIterator, OutputIterator).
Static method in class com.objectspace.jgl.algorithms.Counting
Iterate through every element in a range and calculate the difference between
each element and its preceding element.
adjacentDifference(InputIterator, InputIterator, OutputIterator, BinaryFunction).
Static method in class com.objectspace.jgl.algorithms.Counting
Iterate through every element in a range and calculate the difference between
each element and its preceding element.
Static method in class com.objectspace.jgl.algorithms.Finding
Find the first consecutive sequence of elements that match using equals().
adjacentFind(Container, BinaryPredicate).
Static method in class com.objectspace.jgl.algorithms.Finding
Find the first consecutive sequence of elements that match using a predicate.
adjacentFind(InputIterator, InputIterator).
Static method in class com.objectspace.jgl.algorithms.Finding
Find the first consecutive sequence of elements that match using equals().
adjacentFind(InputIterator, InputIterator, BinaryPredicate).
Static method in class com.objectspace.jgl.algorithms.Finding
Find the first consecutive sequence of elements that match using a predicate.