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JGL - The Generic Collection Library for Java
Contents Voyager Appendix

Summary of Classes

Function Objects

This section contains a summary of the classes in the Generic Collection Library for Java™, organized by category.


com.objectspace.jgl Contains the interfaces, collection classes, and container iterators.
com.objectspace.jgl.adapters Contains the Java native array adapters.
com.objectspace.jgl.algorithms Contains all the JGL algorithms.
com.objectspace.jgl.functions Contains function objects that can be used to modify algorithms.
com.objectspace.jgl.predicates Contains predicate classes used to affect element ordering.
com.objectspace.jgl.util Contains utility classes and special iterators.
com.objectspace.jgl.voyager Contains a version of the collection classes that can be used with ObjectSpace Voyager in a distributed fashion.
com.objectspace.jgl.voyager.algorithms Contains distributed algorithms to be used with ObjectSpace Voyager.


Related Interfaces
ArrayAdapter The abstract class implemented by all JGL array adapters.
Container The interface implemented by all JGL containers.
Sequence The interface implemented by all sequential JGL containers.
Set The interface implemented by all JGL sets.


Array Linear, contiguous storage, fast inserts at the end only.
Deque Linear, non-contiguous storage, fast inserts at extremities.
DList Doubly linked list, fast inserts anywhere.
SList Singly linked list, fast inserts at either extremity.


HashMap 1-to-1, 1-to-many mappings, stored using hash.
OrderedMap 1-to-1, 1-to-many mappings, stored in order.


HashSet Fast object lookup, stores objects using hash.
OrderedSet Fast object lookup, stores objects in order.

Queues and Stacks

PriorityQueue Pops items in a sorted order.
Queue Strict first-in, first-out data structure.
Stack Strict first-in, last-out data structure.

Array Adapters

Allows a native array of booleans to act like a Container.
Allows a native array of bytes to act like a Container.
Allows a native array of chars to act like a Container.
Allows a native array of doubles to act like a Container.
Allows a native array of floats to act like a Container.
Allows a native array of ints to act like a Container.
Allows a native array of longs to act like a Container.
ObjectArray Allows a native array of Objects to act like a Container.
Allows a native array of shorts to act like a Container.
VectorArray Allows a JDK Vector to act like a Container.


InvalidOperationException Inappropriate operation on a JGL container.


Applying Applies a function to every element of a sequence.
Comparing Mismatches, equality tests, lexicographical comparison.
Copying Copies a sequence.
Counting Counts unconditionally and conditionally.
Filling Fills a sequence with a single element.
Filtering Filters a sequence.
Finding Finds an object or an element that satisfies a predicate.
Heap Makes, pushes, pops, and sorts a heap.
MinMax Finds the min and max of a sequence.
Permuting Cycles through permutations of a sequence.
Printing Prints sequences and containers.
Removing Removes an object or an element that satisfies a predicate.
Replacing Replaces an object or an element that satisfies a predicate.
Reversing Reverses a sequence.
Rotating Rotates a sequence.
SetOperations Union, intersection, difference, and inclusion.
Shuffling Shuffles a sequence.
Sorting Sorts a sequence.
Swapping Swaps elements or sequences.
Transforming Maps one sequence to another.

Function Objects

Related Interfaces
BinaryFunction The interface of all binary function objects.
BinaryPredicate The interface of all binary predicate objects.
UnaryFunction The interface of all unary function objects.
UnaryPredicate The interface of all unary predicate objects.

Classes that implement the BinaryFunction interface

BinaryCompose P( Q( x ), R( x ) )
BinaryPredicateFunction P( x, y )
ConstantFunction V
DividesNumber x / y
MinusNumber x - y
ModulusNumber x % y
PlusNumber x + y
PlusString x.toString() + y.toString()
SwappedBinaryFunction P( y, x )
TimesNumber x * y

Classes that implement the BinaryPredicate interface

BinaryAnd P( x, y ) && Q( x, y )
BinaryComposePredicate P( Q( x ), R( x ) )
BinaryNot !P( x, y )
BinaryOr P( x, y ) || Q( x, y )
BinaryTern P( x, y ) ? Q( x, y ) : R( x, y )
ConstantPredicate V
EqualCollationKey x.compareTo( y ) == 0
EqualCollator collator.compare( x, y ) == 0
EqualNumber x == y
EqualString x.toString().equals( y.toString() )
EqualTo x.equals( y )
GreaterEqualCollationKey collator.getCollationKey( x.toString() ) ).compare( collator.getCollationKey( y.toString() ) >= 0
GreaterEqualCollator collator.compare( x.toString(), y.toString() ) >= 0
GreaterEqualNumber x >= y
GreaterEqualString x.toString().compareTo( y.toString() ) >= 0
GreaterCollationKey collator.getCollationKey( x.toString() ) ).compare( collator.getCollationKey( y.toString() ) > 0
GreaterCollator collator.compare( x.toString(), y.toString() ) > 0
GreaterNumber x > y
GreaterString x.toString().compareTo( y.toString() ) > 0
HashComparator x.hashCode() < y.hashCode()
IdenticalTo x == y
LessEqualCollationKey collator.getCollationKey( x.toString() ) ).compare( collator.getCollationKey( y.toString() ) <= 0
LessEqualCollator collator.compare( x.toString(), y.toString() ) <= 0
LessEqualNumber x <= y
LessEqualString x.toString().compareTo( y.toString() ) <= 0
LessCollationKey collator.getCollationKey( x.toString() ) ).compare( collator.getCollationKey( y.toString() ) < 0
LessCollator collator.compare( x.toString(), y.toString() ) < 0
LessNumber x < y
LessString x.toString().compareTo( y.toString() ) < 0
LogicalAnd x && y
LogicalOr x || y
NotEqualCollationKey x.compareTo( y ) != 0
NotEqualCollator collator.compare( x, y ) != 0
NotEqualNumber x != y
NotEqualString !x.toString().equals( y.toString() )
NotEqualTo !x.equals( y )
NotIdenticalTo x != y
SwappedBinaryPredicate P( y, x )

Classes that implement the UnaryFunction interface

BindFirst P( V, x )
BindSecond P( x, V )
ConstantFunction V
Hash x.hashCode()
IdentityFunction x
LengthString x.toString().length
NegateNumber -x
Print stream.println( x )
SelectFirst x.first
SelectSecond x.second
ToString x.toString()
UnaryCompose P( Q( x ) )
UnaryPredicateFunction P( x )

Classes that implement the UnaryPredicate interface

BindFirstPredicate P( V, x )
BindSecondPredicate P( x, V )
ConstantPredicate V
InstanceOf x instanceof C
LogicalNot !x
NegativeNumber x < 0
PositiveNumber x > 0
UnaryAnd P( x ) && Q( x )
UnaryComposePredicate P( Q( x ) )
UnaryNot !P( x )
UnaryOr P( x ) || Q( x )
UnaryTern P( x ) ? Q( x ) : R( x )


Related Interfaces
InputIterator Can read one item at a time in a forward direction.
OutputIterator Can write one item at a time in a forward direction.
ForwardIterator Combines characteristics of input and output iterators.
BidirectionalIterator Like forward, plus the ability to move backwards.
RandomAccessIterator Like bidirectional, plus the ability to jump.

Classes that implement the OutputIterator interface

InsertIterator Writes items into a container.
ObjectOutputStreamIterator Writes items to an ObjectOutputStream.
OutputStreamIterator Writes items to an OutputStream.

Classes that implement the ForwardIterator interface

HashMapIterator Iterates over a HashMap.
HashSetIterator Iterates over a HashSet.
SListIterator Iterates over an SList.

Classes that implement the BidirectionalIterator interface

DListIterator Iterates over a DList.
OrderedMapIterator Iterates over an OrderedMap.
OrderedSetIterator Iterates over an OrderedSet.
ReverseIterator Iterates backwards.

Classes that implement the RandomAccessIterator interface

ArrayIterator Iterates over an Array.
BooleanIterator Iterates over a native array of booleans.
ByteIterator Iterates over a native array of bytes.
CharIterator Iterates over a native array of chars.
DequeIterator Iterates over a Deque.
DoubleIterator Iterates over a native array of doubles.
FloatIterator Iterates over a native array of floats.
IntIterator Iterates over a native array of ints.
LongIterator Iterates over a native array of longs.
ShortIterator Iterates over a native array of shorts.
VectorIterator Iterates over a java.util.Vector.


Benchmark Allows simple collection of benchmark information.
ConditionalEnumeration Enumerates only selected elements.
Randomizer Generates bounded random numbers.

Contents Voyager Appendix