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JGL - The Generic Collection Library for Java
Contents Class Summary


A Comparison of JGL vs. STL
JGL License Agreement
Changes since JGL 2.0.x


JGL is a high performance library whose containers and algorithms meet or beat the performance of existing libraries. In addition, the JGL algorithms are generally pretty close in speed to their hand-coded equivalents. The JGL installation includes the following set of benchmarks:

ArrayBenchmarks.java Compares JGL Array against java.util.Vector.
MapBenchmarks.java Compares JGL HashMap against java.util.Hashtable.
SortingBenchmarks.java Compares JGL Sorting.sort() against hand-coded quicksort.
*.txt Sample benchmark output.

Sample benchmarks

To run these benchmarks, compile them in the benchmarks directory by typing:

  javac *.java

and then run them by entering

  java ArrayBenchmarks
  java MapBenchmarks
  java SortingBenchmarks

Each of these programs uses the Benchmark class to perform timing comparisons, and display intermediate benchmarks as they are gathered. The final performance ratio is displayed at the end of each benchmark. A ratio of less than 1.0 means that JGL ran faster. A sample run of these benchmarks is included in the files *.txt. A summary of these files follows.

Please note that random variations in the garbage collection system can cause significant variance in an individual performance statistic. The performance claims that we make for JGL are based on an average of large numbers of measurements. The JGL containers are also synchronized for greater thread safety (unlike the JDK containers), which has a small performance hit.

These benchmarks were run on a Toshiba Tecra computer with
48Mb RAM running Windows NT 4.0 and JDK 1.1 final release.

A ratio of less than 1.0 means that JGL ran faster.

ratio of jglArrayGetting to jdkVectorGetting is 0.97214216
ratio of jglArrayPutting to jdkVectorPutting is 0.91792065
ratio of jglArrayIterating to jdkVectorIterating is 1.2563047
ratio of jglArrayAdding to jdkVectorAdding is 0.6945063
ratio of jglArrayClearing to jdkVectorClearing is 0.0625
ratio of jglArrayInserting to jdkVectorInserting is 1.171401
ratio of jglArrayRemoving to jdkVectorRemoving is 0.9390602

ratio of jglMapAdding to jdkHashtableAdding is 1.0936952
ratio of jglMapFinding to jdkHashtableFinding is 1.0753689
ratio of jglMapRemoving to jdkHashtableRemoving is 2.4360888
ratio of jglMapClearing to jdkHashtableClearing is 0.61538464

ratio of jgl sort algorithm to handcoded sorting is 1.7280324

A Comparison of JGL vs. STL

JGL takes advantage of the STL philosophy of separating containers from algorithms. It also embeds some of the most common algorithms directly into the JGL containers and supplies container-oriented versions of all algorithms. This approach allows JGL to be easy to use without losing the benefit of reusable algorithms.

This section lists the differences between JGL and STL as well as a side-by-side comparison of JGL and STL code segments.

Feature Enhancements

Here is a list of the features that are in JGL but not in STL:

Compatibility Features

Here is a list of the features that JGL has for compatibility with existing Java code:


Here is a list of the differences between JGL and STL that will probably always remain:

Code Comparisons

This section contains some code samples that illustrate some of the similarities and differences between JGL and STL.

Creating a Vector and performing some common functions.

vector< int > v;
v.push_back( 1 );
v.push_back( 3 );
v.push_back( 2 );
cout << v.front() << ", " << v.back() << endl;
replace( v.begin(), v.end(), 1, 3 );

Array array = new Array();
array.pushBack( new Integer( 1 ) );
  // Could use array.add( new Integer( 1 ) ) instead.
array.pushBack( new integer( 3 ) );
array.pushBack( new Integer( 2 ) );
System.out.println( array.front() + ", " + array.back() );
array.replace( new Integer( 1 ), new Integer( 3 ) ); // Note that common functions are part of container interface.

Iterating through a container.

vector< int > v;
v.push_back( 1 );
v.push_back( 3 );
v.push_back( 2 );
for ( vector< int >::iterator i = v.begin(); i != v.end(); ++i )
  cout << *i << endl;

Array array = new Array();
array.pushBack( new Integer( 1 ) );
array.pushBack( new Integer( 3 ) );
array.pushBack( new Integer( 2 ) );
for ( ArrayIterator i = array.begin(); !i.equals( array.end() ); i.advance() )
  System.out.println( i.get() );

or (clearer and more efficient)

Array array = new Array();
array.pushBack( new Integer( 1 ) );
array.pushBack( new Integer( 3 ) );
array.pushBack( new Integer( 2 ) );
Enumeration e = array.begin();
while ( e.hasMoreElements() )
  System.out.println( e.nextElement() );

Iterating through a native array.

int array[] = { 1, 3, 2 };
for ( int* p = array; p != array + 3; ++p )
  cout << *p << endl;

int array[] = { 1, 3, 2 };
for ( IntIterator p = IntIterator.begin( array ); p.hasMoreElements(); p.advance() )
  System.out.println( p.get() );

Sorting a container.

vector< int > v;
v.push_back( 1 );
v.push_back( 3 );
v.push_back( 2 );
sort( v.begin(), v.end() );

Array array = new Array();
array.pushBack( new Integer( 1 ) );
array.pushBack( new Integer( 3 ) );
array.pushBack( new Integer( 2 ) );
Sorting.sort( array );

Sorting a native array.

int array[] = { 1, 3, 2 };
sort( array, array + 3 );

int ints[] = { 1, 3, 2 };
IntArray array = new IntArray( ints );
Sorting.sort( array );

JGL License Agreement

A copy of the license agreement you agreed to before downloading the JGL software may be found in the \jgl3.1.0 directory of the installation in the file license.txt.

Changes in 3.x

There have been several changes and bug fixes since the 2.0.x release of JGL. The most visible change is the new package layout, and the inclusion of distributed containers for use with ObjectSpace Voyager. A full listing of the differences can be found in changes.txt in the \jgl3.1.0\doc directory.

Contents Class Summary