MA-351 Homework 4

Tuesday, Nov 17, 16:59, in my mailbox in SAS 3151.

Solutions may be submitted in person in class, or you may email an ASCII text, Maple Worksheet (.mws), html, or postscipt/pdf-formatted document to me.
Note my office hours on my schedule.

  1. What is the Alabama paradox? Please explain.
  2. Please consider the following variant to Fibonacci's rabbits' problem. Each pair of rabbits takes two months to mature. Once mature, the pair has 2 pairs or 1 pair of rabbits after every month of gestation. Therefore, it takes a newly born pair 3 months to produce offspring. The number of pairs is produced alternatingly: first 2 pairs, then 1 pair then 2 pairs, then 1 pair, etc. An additional twist is that if 2 pairs are born, one of the pairs only lives 3 months, and dies after the first litter of 2 pairs. The other pair lives indefinitely, like the initial baby pair. Please give a L-system [note the correct spelling: Aristid Lindenmayer, J. Theoret. Biol., vol. 18, 1968, pp. 280-315] that models the rabbit population and show the first 7 generations of applying your rules.
  3. DMM §3.6, Problem 13, page 168. Note that your coloring also needs to include the country "11" surrounding countries 1-10.