MA522, Fall 2018, Homework 2: (Problems 1 and 2 due Mon, Nov 19, 4:59pm, Problem 3 due Mon Dec 3, 4:59pm, by email or in my mailbox in SAS 3151). Problem 1 (the discriminant of a polynomial): Consider a polynomial f(x) = (x - y_1) ... (x - y_n) = x^n + a_{n-1}x^{n-1} + ... + a_0, where a_i \in K[y_1,...,y_n] with K a field. Note that the a_i are plus/minus the symmetric functions in y_i. The discriminant of f is defined as disc_x(f) = \prod_{1 <= i < j <= n} ( (y_i - y_j) (y_j - y_i) ) i) Show that disc_x(f) is a symmetric polynomial in the y_i, that is, there is a polynomial \delta(z_{n-1},...,z_0) in K[z_{n-1},...,z_0] such that \delta(a_{n-1},...,a_0) = disc_x(f). ii) Show that \delta is irreducible in K[z_{n-1},...,z_0] for fields of characteristic not equal 2, and a square of an irreducible polynomial for fields of characteristic equal 2. iii) Consider the (2n-1) by (2n-1) Sylvester-like matrix M formed with the coefficient vector of f and f', the derivative of f w.r.t. x: f'(x) = n x^{n-1} + (n-1) a_{n-1}x^{n-2} + ... + a_1 Note that if the characteristic of the field K divides n, the first coefficient, n, is equal 0, hence the matrix is not a true Sylvester matrix. Prove that det(M) = disc_x(f). Note that the identity is one in K[y_1,...,y_n]. Hint: prove that f'(x) = sum_i (x-y_1)...(x-y_{i-1})(x-y_{i+1})...(x-y_n). Problem 1 (Bonus extension: the third discriminant []): The third discriminant of f is defined as disc3_x(f) = \prod_{1 <= i < j <= n, i < k < \ell <= n, j != k, j != \ell} ( y_i+y_j - (y_k+y_\ell) ) ("!=" is "not equal"; there are (n choose 4) [choose 4 roots] * 6 [choose negative signs for 2 roots] / 2 [i > k is - ( y_k + y_\ell - (y_i+y_j) ) matching y_k + y_\ell - (y_i+y_j) ] linear factors). Note: the disc3(f) is zero if the average of two roots is equal the average of another two distinct roots. i) Show that disc3_x(f) is a symmetric polynomial in the y_i, that is, there is a polynomial \delta3(z_{n-1},...,z_0) in K[z_{n-1},...,z_0] such that \delta3(a_{n-1},...,a_0) = disc3_x(f). ii) Show that \delta3 is irreducible in K[z_{n-1},...,z_0] for fields of characteristic not equal 2. iii) (Bonus to bonus) Give a formula using resultants/discriminants for disc3(f)^2 with the a_i as inputs. Problem 2 is Problem 6.33 [of the Exercises for Section 6]: intersection of 2 planar curves. It may help to use Maple to compute the resultants. Problem 3 [Zassenhaus, J. Number Theory, vol. 1, 1969]: Let b \equiv a^2 (mod p) for a not equal 0, p a prime >= 3. We wish to factor x^2 - b in \ZZ_p[x]. (i) prove that for at least (p-1)/2 residues r in \ZZ_p, the residues r+a mod p and r-a mod p have opposite quadratic residuosity. [hint: consider the range of the affine function z -> (z+a)/(z-a) [[Rabin]].] (ii) prove that for at least (p-1)/2 residues r in \ZZ_p the GCD GCD( (x+r)^2 - b, (x^{(p-1)/2} - 1) mod ((x+r)^2 - b) ) in \ZZ_p[x] is nontrivial, hence x+r+a or x+r-a. Can the GCD be computed as GCD(y^2-b, ((y-r)^{(p-1)/2}-1) mod (y^2-b))? ==================================================================================