Experiments and Maple code for
@string{ISSAC = "Internat. Symp. Symbolic Algebraic Comput."} @string{ProcISSAC04 = "{ISSAC} 2004 Proc. 2004 " # ISSAC} @InProceedings{GKMYZ04, title = "Approximate factorization of multivariate polynomials via differential equations", author = "Shuhong Gao and Erich Kaltofen and John P. May and Zhengfeng Yang and Lihong Zhi", year = "2004", pages = "167--174", booktitle = ProcISSAC04, crossref = "ISSAC04", note = "ACM SIGSAM's ISSAC 2004 Distinguished Student Author Award (May and Yang)", } @Proceedings{ISSAC04, title = ProcISSAC04, editor = "Jaime Gutierrez", publisher = "ACM Press", year = "2004", address = "New York, N. Y.", isbn = "1-58113-827-X", }