MA-410 Homework 2

Due at 4:59pm in my mailbox in SAS 3151, Wednesday, March 14, 2012

All solutions must be submitted stapled in hardcopy either to me in class or placed in my mailbox.
Note my office hours on my schedule.

  1. Please prove for all composite integers n ≥ 4 that 2n - 1 is a composite integer. [Note: I orginally had 10n - 1, but that integer is always divisible by 9.]
  2. ENT, §3.3, Problem 27, page 60.
  3. ENT, §4.2, Problem 6, (a) only, page 68.
  4. ENT, §4.4, Problem 8, page 83.
  5. ENT, §4.4, Problem 20, (c) only, page 84.
  6. ENT, §5.2, Problem 19, page 93.