MA-410 Homework 3

Due at NEW 4:59pm in my mailbox in HA 245, Monday, March 28, 2005

Solutions may be submitted in person in class, or you may email an ASCII text, html, or postscipt/pdf-formatted document to me.
Note my office hours on my schedule.

  1. Let F5 = 2(25) + 1. Please compute, using a computer, 3F5-1 mod F5.
  2. ENT, §5.3, Problem 15(b), page 97.
  3. ENT, §7.3, Problem 5, page 139.
  4. ENT, §7.5, Problem 12, page 156.
    NEW The correct ciphertext is

    1369 1436 0119 0385 0434 1580 0690

    If your cyphertext starts with 0543... please use the above code instead.