118. Exceptions and File Handling

  • Understanding Exceptions
  • Handling Exceptions
  • Defining Custom Exceptions
  • Reading/Writing Files
  • Navigating the File System

119. Understanding Exceptions

Things do not always go as planned. If you don’t want your program to just crash you’ll need to be able to handle exceptions.

120. Same Code but Different Style

You have a couple options.

In some cases you can do some preliminary checks to make sure that your code will successfully execute.

Or you can dive in an catch errors as they happen.

121. Look Before You Leap

c = 200
if a != 0:
    c = 200 / a

122. Easier to Ask Forgiveness than Permission

c = 200
    c = 200 / a
except ZeroDivisionError:

123. Catching Exceptions

The try keyword starts the block where exceptions are to be handled. The except keyword denotes which exception classes are handled.

You can also define an else block which will only excute if no exceptions were raised. A finally block is also optional and will be excuted regardless of whether there were exceptions or not.

124. Skeleton Example

    # Something dangerous
except IndexError:
    # Handle the error
    # No problems so do something
    # Clean up either way

125. Catching Multiple Types of Exceptions

You can handle multiple types of exceptions in one except block.

    # Something dangerous
except (TypeError, IndexError):
    # Handle either type

126. Handling Different Exceptions Differently

You can also define multiple except cases to handle different exception types in different ways.

    # Something dangerous
except TypeError:
    # Handle type error
except IndexError:
    # Handle index error
    # Handle all other types

127. Getting Exception Info

    # Something dangerous
except TypeError as e:
    print e
    print e.args
    # Handle type error

128. Built-in Exceptions

Some common exception classes:

  • Exception - Base exception class
  • AttributeError - Attempted to access an object attribute that doesn’t exist
  • IOError - I/O related error (file not found, disk full, etc)
  • ImportError - Module import error
  • IndexError - Accessing index outside of list
  • KeyError - Accessing dictionary key that doesn’t exist

For a full list see http://docs.python.org/library/exceptions.html

129. Creating Exceptions

Creating exceptions is as easy as creating a class.

class EveryonePanicException(Exception):

130. Creating Exceptions Expanded

As with any class you can also pass additional information into your exceptions.

class EveryonePanicException(Exception):
    def __init__(self, reason):

    def __str__(self):
        return 'Everyone panic! %s' % self.reason

131. Raising Exceptions

The raise keyword is used to raise the specified exception.

raise EveryonePanicException("It's Godzilla!")

132. Raising Exceptions Again

If you’ve caught an exception that you don’t intend to handle then you can re-raise the last exception with raise.

    raise EveryonePanicException("It's Godzilla!")
except EveryonePanicException:
    print "There was an exception."

133. Supporting Different Python Versions

json module was added in Python 2.6 but simplejson is popular third party library. Here we’ll check if they have the json module and if not we’ll try to use simplejson instead.

    import json
except ImportError:
    import simplejson as json

134. Opening Files

The built-in open function is used to open files. It takes the filename, mode (optional), and buffer size (optional). This is implemented as stdio fopen() in the underlying C. The mode defaults to ‘r’ (for reading).

open_file = open('example.txt')
contents = open_file.readlines() # Reads entire file

135. The File Object

Let’s take a look at what methods are on the File type.


136. Opening File Safely

You can avoid having to remember to close the file by opening the file using a with statement:

with open('example.txt') as f:
    # do something with f
    print f.readlines()

Note: You must first import from __future__ import with_statement to use with in Python 2.5. with is built-in to Python 2.6 and beyond.

137. With Statement

To take a small detour let’s talk about the with statement.

The with statement is used to wrap a code block context manager. The context manager defines an __enter__ to setup the context and __exit__ to clean up the code execution. The common use case is reusing try/except blocks for opening/closing resources.

138. With Example (withexample.py)

class Example(object):

    def __enter__(self):
        print "Calling Enter"
        return 73

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
        print "Calling Exit: %s, %s, %s" % (
            exc_type, exc_value, traceback

139. Reading Files

The file objects have a number of methods for reading content. readlines reads all of the file conents to the EOF character. readline reads a single line including the new line character. You can also read lines in a file using an interator syntax.

with open('example.txt') as f:
    for line in f:
        print line

140. A Program Which Outputs Itself (output.py)

with open(__file__) as f:
    print u''.join(f.readlines())

141. Writing Files

You can write a single string with write or a list of strings with writelines. Keep in mind that neither method will automatically write new line characters for you.

with open('example.txt', 'w') as f:
    f.write('Line 1\n')
    f.writelines(['Line 2\n', 'Line 3\n'])

142. Appending Files

with open('example.txt', 'w') as f:
    f.write('First pass.\n')

with open('example.txt', 'a') as f:
    f.write('This is new.\n')

143. File Paths

The os module has helper functions for working with file paths. Some handy functions are

  • os.getcwd
  • os.path.abspath
  • os.path.dirname
  • os.path.join
  • os.path.splitext

You can also get the relative file using the module’s __file__ attribute.

144. File Paths Example (filepath.py)

import os

print __file__
print os.getcwd()
print os.path.abspath(__file__)
print os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '..', 'test'))
print os.path.splitext('test.txt')

145. Directories

The os module also has helper functions for working with directories.

  • os.listdir
  • os.path.walk
  • os.mkdir
  • os.makedirs
  • os.remove
  • os.rmdir
  • os.removedirs

146. Iterating over Directories (directory.py)

import os

root = os.getcwd()
for item in os.listdir(root):
    print item

def visit(arg, dirname, names):
    print arg, dirname, names

os.path.walk(root, visit, None)

147. Modules Special File Types

  • XML
    • DOM (Document Object Model): xml.dom
    • SAX (Simple API for XML): xml.sax
  • CSV

148. Up Next

Functional programming in Python