Special Topics: Programming Languages for Mathematicians
Fall 2000
Harrelson 274, Tue&Thu 13h05-14h20

Syllabus People C Java C++ Current Enrollment (Sep 5) Resources

Current Announcements

  • NEW I have posted the audio track of my third makeup class on the syllabus.
  • NEW I have placed the teaching evaluation forms in your mailboxes in Harrelson 243. Please return the completed forms to Jack Perry by December 7, 17h00. Jack will then place the forms in the boxes provided by the department.
  • The cgi server for testing has been changed. Please replace by

Peoples' home pages: Erich Kaltofen.

C programs for the course

    For the topics the individual programs demonstrate, see the syllabus.

Java programs for the course

    For the topics the individual programs demonstrate, see the syllabus.

C++ programs for the course

    For the topics the individual programs demonstrate, see the syllabus.

Computer Help Resources

Old Announcements