Click on array_stack_without_newstack.c to get source.
/* File: CExamples/OO_pgm_in_C_new/array_stack_without_newstack.c */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "stack_with_delete.h"

/* This is the Data Structure used to implement the stack:
   array[top-1] is the last element entered, array[0] the first */
typedef struct array_stack { int top;
                             int array[20];
                           } AS, *ASptr;

void array_delete_stack( stackptr self )
/* Assumes that sptr is the result of new_stack */
{extern const stack empty_arr_stack; /* forward declare */
 if (self != &empty_arr_stack) /* prevent delete of proto-type */
    { free(self->objptr); free(self); }
}/* end delete_stack */

/* The following three functions define the array_stack operations */
int array_isempty(stackptr self)
{return( ((ASptr)self->objptr)->top == 0 );
}/* end is_empty */

void array_push(int i, stackptr self)
{ASptr asptr;
 asptr = (ASptr)self->objptr;
 /* no check for overflow */
 asptr->array[asptr->top++] = i;
}/* end array_push */

int array_pop(stackptr self)
{ASptr asptr;
 asptr = (ASptr)self->objptr;
 /* no check for underflow */
 return asptr->array[--asptr->top];
}/* end array_pop */

stackptr array_clone (const struct stackstruct* sptr_in) /* note:
cannot use  const stackptr  as type here */
{stackptr sptr_out;
 sptr_out = (stackptr)malloc(sizeof(stack));
 /* set the function pointers to array functions */
 sptr_out->is_empty = array_isempty;
 sptr_out->push     = array_push;
 sptr_out->pop      = array_pop;
 sptr_out->clone    = array_clone;
 sptr_out->delete_stack = array_delete_stack;

 sptr_out->objptr = (ASptr)malloc(sizeof(AS));
 *((ASptr)sptr_out->objptr) = *((ASptr)sptr_in->objptr); /* field-wise assign */
 return sptr_out;
}/* end array_clone */

static AS empty_arr; /* "static" initializes = 0 */

/* There is no constructor newstack().
   Instead there his one linkable variable empty_arr_stack,
   whose clone() can be used to make new empty array stacks.
   See main2.c for usage.  */
const stack empty_arr_stack /* made const as by MAA */
= {/* initialize */
}; /* end stack empty_arr_stack */