Click on hire.c to get source.
/* File: CExamples/Lists/hire.c */
#include "prof.h"
int hire(PROFLIST *Cptrptr, PROF goodprof)
{/* insert goodprof in alphabetic order;
returns 0 if successful, 1 if goodprof already there,
-1 if no more memory */
PROFLIST curr, prev, newc; int found;
for(curr = *Cptrptr, prev = NULL;
curr != NULL;
prev = curr, curr = curr->next)
{found = strcmp(goodprof.lname, curr->prof.lname);
if (found <= 0) break;
if(curr != NULL && found==0) return 1; /* already there */
/* create new cell */
newc = (PROFLIST)malloc(sizeof(PROFLISTCELL));
if(newc == NULL) return -1; /* out of memory */
newc->prof = goodprof;
/* link into list */
*Cptrptr = newc;
else prev->next = newc;
newc->next = curr;
return 0;