Click on templates.cpp to get source.
#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>

using namespace std;

template <class T>
class A
{public: T x;
 A(T y) : x(y) {}
 typedef T elemT;
};// template <class T> class A

template class A<int>; // explicit template expansion

template <> // template specialization
class A<float>
{public: float z; // new data member
         float x;
A<float>(float y) : z(y+10.0), x(y) {}
};// template <> class A<float>

template< template<class> class C >
// template-template parameters
class B
 C<int> ci;
 C<float> cf;
 B(int a, float b) : ci(a), cf(b) {}
};// template <template<class> class C> class B

template<class T> // template function: overloaded <<
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const A<T>& a)
{out << "An A<" << typeid(T).name() << ">: x member: " << a.x;
 return out; }
// link to template class specialization compiled elsewhere
extern template class A<double>;

int main(void)
{// cannot declare here: must be in namespace scope of template
 //    extern template class A<double>;
 A<int> a1(5);
 A<char> a2('A');
 A<float> a3(1.5);
 B<A> b(5, 1.5);
 // the following declaration causes a link error
 //   A<double> c(3.14);

 cout << "A<int> a1(5); cout << a1: " << a1 << endl;
 cout << "A<char> a2('A'); cout << a2: " << a2 << endl;
 cout << "A<float> a3(1.5); cout << a3: " << a3 << endl;
 cout <<         "B<A> b(5, 1.5); cout << " <<
      << endl << "                cout << " << 
      << endl << "                cout << " << << endl;
