Name Topic
Eddie Arhagba Symmetry
Tannenbaum, Chapter 11.
Rachel Chaves Applications of Markov chains to genetics
DMM §5.7
Syeda Enayet Distance between rankings
DMM §7.4.1-7.4.3
Dupe Fajembola Power indices
Tannenbaum, Chapter 2
Richard Fitzgerald Energy and eigenvalues of graphs
DMM §4.1 and 4.2
Nicholas Hardison Scale type, meaningfulness
DMM §8.4
Rich Helle Ordinal utility functions
DMM §8.5
Scott Hess The spatial structure of networks
James Hilburn Food webs
DMM §3.5
Curtiss Howard Influence and social power
DMM §5.10
Sonya Johnson Relations, theory of measurement
DMM §8.2, 8.3
Joseph Kinnarney Flow models
DMM §5.8
Marcus Lacewell Markov chains
DMM §5.1, 5.2, 5.3
Ryan Mclean Weather modeling
Chris McVey The directional p-median problem
Nicholas Newsom Zeilberger paper
Hung Nguyen Botting paper
Michael Peace Growth curves
Lindsey, J. K. Statistical Analysis of Stochastic Processes in Time. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Chapter 12, pp. 268-278.
Mahesh Shivanna Complex systems
DMM §4.3
Janae Simons Tournaments
DMM §3.2
Ashley Snider Mathematical models of learning
DMM §5.9