Final Schedule
30, 2009
1:00-1:45: Registration
(open to the public, free)
1:45-2:00: Opening
of Workshop by Co-Chairs Erich
Kaltofen (NCSU), Lenore Mullin (NSF CISE CCF)
2:00-2:15: Welcome from Local Arrangements Chair Ed Lamagna (URI), Donald H. DeHayes (URI Provost)
2:15-2:30: CPATH
by Joan Peckham (NSF CISE CNS)
2:30-3:30: Panel I: What are the Grand Challenges for Symbolic Computation?
Erich Kaltofen (Moderator): Mark van Hoeij, Hoon Hong, Ilse Ipsen, David Wood
3:30-4:00: Coffee
Session I (Session Chair: Emil Volchek)
4:00-4:25: Invited Talk 1: G. Cooperman Symbolic
Computation Using Disk-Based Parallel Computing
4:25-4:50: Invited Talk 2: M. Püschel Tackling
Parallelism Using Symbolic Computation
4:50-5:15: Invited Talk 3: J. Maurice Rojas A Homotopy Method
Preserving Real Topology with High Probability
5:15-5:40: Invited Talk 4: A. Szanto Trace matrices and clusters of zeros
6:00-8:00: Dinner
Reception at the URI University Club
FRIDAY, May 1, 2009
8:30-9:00: Coffee
9:00-10:00: Panel II: Applicable Computer Science Foundations
Lenore Mullin
(Moderator): Bruce Char, Ed Lamagna, Jeremy Johnson
10:00-10:20: Break
Session II Symbolic
Software Design (Session Chair: Alexey Ovchinnikov)
10:20-10:45: Invited Talk 5: G. Dos Reis Dependable
Scientific Computing
Invited Talk 6: J. May The Fine
Art of Plumbing: Bringing New Advances in Computer Algebra Theory into General
Purpose Software
Invited Talk 7: D. Joyner Open
Source Software and SAGE
11:35-12:00: Invited Talk 8: D. Lichtblau Symbolic
Computation: An (Almost) Indispensable Tool For R & D
12:00-2:00: Lunch at
local restaurants
2:00-3:00: Panel
III: The Spectacular Successes and Failures of
Symbolic Computation
Stephen Watt (Moderator): James Davenport, Erich Kaltofen, B. David Saunders
3:00-3:30: Break
Session III
Theoretical Aspects (Session Chair: Erik Postma)
3:30-3:55: Invited Talk 9: V. Powers Representations of
Positive Polynomials
3:55-4:20: Invited Talk 10: A. Storjohann Certifying
the Rank of an Integer Matrix
4:20-4:45: Invited Talk 11: W.-s. Lee Symbolic-Numeric
Methods for Polynomial Algebra
4:45-5:10: Invited Talk 12: M. Giesbrecht Sparse
Polynomials, Models and Methods in Computer Algebra
5:30-6:00 Panel IV: Perspectives by Organizing Committee: Erich Kaltofen,
Lenore Mullin (Co-chairs), Jeremy Johnson (Drexel), Ed Lamagna (Univ. Rhode
Island), Emil Volcheck (ACM), Stephen Watt (Univ. Western Ontario, Canada)
End of workshop
SATURDAY, May 2, 2009